HH. Bhakti Purusottama Swami
Chief Coordinator
Sata Laksa Gita Lekhan
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To celebrate the 5250th anniversary of the appearance of parätpara paramesvara svayam bhagavän Golokädhipati Sri Krsna for the pleasure of his divine grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda founder-Acärya of the international society for Krishna consciousness. To engage as many as ten million devotees in personally writing the entire Srimad Bhagavad-Gita during the following two years the handwritten Bhagavad-Gitä, will be presented as an offering at the lotus feet of their lordships Sri Sri Rädhä-Mädhava the presiding deities of Sridhäma Mäyäpur in the temple of the vedic Planetarium.
Five Easy steps to follow
Register your name, or the name of your family members and friends, as the Sata Laksa Gita Lekhan Yagamana (Registration Fee Rs.333).
Receive your own Bhagavad-gitä with all the Sanskrit verses along with translations for your personal study, an empty note book for your daily practice of writing, as well as a Harinam lekhana notebook to write Hare Krishna Mahamantra daily, alongside the Gita verses and a Sankalpa-Sutra.
Begin your practice of "Writing every day, at least two verses of the Gitä. Read the translation and recite the verses two times (no need to write translation)
After completing the task of writing all the verses of the Bhagavad-Gita & Harinarn Lekhana bring your both notebooks or send it by post to ISKCON Mayapur, to be offered at the lotus feet of Their Lordships Sri Sri Rädhä-Mädhava, when they are relocated to the temple of the Vedic Planetarium.
After offering your handwritten copy of the Bhagavad-GITA to Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha-Madhava, you can take back the notebook as PRASADA and keep it at home as a great treasure of your life, as a sacred scripture to be worshiped and respected. However, the Harinam writing book will be kept in Mayapur, under a dome in the TOVP campus.
What is SATA LAKSA GITA LEKHAN ?ISKCON Sri Mäyapur Chandrodaya Mandir Is Organizing A Worldwide Event To engage as many as ten million devotees in personally writing the entire Srimad Bhagavad-Gita.
Why We should participate ?Through this method, we can all come in contact with the teachings of the Gita more closely. This devotional activity will help people to meditate on the Bhagavad-Gita more and bring more purity on mother earth.
Who can Participate ?Anyone worldwide who register , you can write in your own language . Once you register you will receive a Gita book with 700 verses and a notebook to write the all 700 verses . Once Done send Back to Mayapur which will be to Sri Sri Radha Madhav.
Can I Participate online ?Yes you can participate online , complete online register , pay online and download both reading and writing books and start writing.